Sdguy Live
How do casinos make money? An example: you play on a whole number and win, we can fully recommend you Paypal as a payment method when you want play slots in any of casino. The animations are bright, Bond is nearly killed by a gunman hired by Le.

You would have thought these days, that a casino managementteam at any land based casino would welcome slot players such as SD Guy intotheir properties with open arms, for with tens of thousands of subscribers,some of them may fancy trying their luck in the casinos he visits.
- SDGuy Gets Banned Again for Filming Himself Playing Slots. Toby Watson Slot Play Videos. You would have thought these days, that a casino management team at any land based casino would welcome slot players such as SD Guy into their properties with open arms, for with tens of thousands of subscribers, some of them may fancy trying their luck in.
- The latest tweets from @sdguy123.
Whilst it is true to say that manycasinos are more than happy to let players film their ongoing slot playing exploits,however every now and then he comes across a member of a casinos security team orhe comes to the attention of a casino manager who are set in their ways.

Anybody that has watched him playing slots on his YouTube channel, willbe more than aware he speaks his mind, but there is no getting away from thefact that his videos are fun to watch, and you will certainly find out what hefeels whilst winning or losing.
Well, he recently received a letter from a casino he had visitedrecently, as you will find out as you watch the above video, and that lettertells him that he is no longer welcome in that casino, and will run the risk ofhaving his credits and any winnings confiscated if he does step foot insidethat casino or any others they run in the future.
Where Does Sdguy Live
The strange thing about that letter, is that he wasn’t spokento by anybody when visiting the casino, and that leads him to believe that thecasino manager had watched one of his slot playing video he uploaded of himselfplaying in her casino, and she didn’t like what she saw.
Sdguy Live
If you haven’t yet watched SD Guy playing slot machines,then I would urge you to get over to YouTube and subscribe, for you are going tobe entertained by his ramblings and actions as he is playing all manner ofdifferent slots, and to be fair he is a great guy and one many slot players doenjoy watching play.